Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector for Linux* - Intel® MPI Correctness Checking Library

ID 672621
Updated 7/27/2018
Version Latest



The MPI correctness checking library as part of the Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector is a novel technology to detect errors with data types, buffers, communicators, point-to-point messages and collective operations, deadlocks, or data corruption.

  • Intercepts and analyzes MPI calls as the application runs
  • Reports errors to console as they are detected
  • Can trigger debugger breakpoints for in-place analysis
  • Works with all supported Intel® MPI Library versions
  • Over 20 distinct MPI programming and runtime errors are detected

This paper presents this new MPI correctness checking feature of the Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector by describing its design, implementation and performance. As a use case, an analysis of the HPCC benchmark is presented, which contains some violations of the MPI standard in the 1.0.0 release.

The MPI correctness checking library continues to improve. Please download the latest version of the Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector to ensure you're up-to-date on the technology. The latest is available by logging into the Intel® Registration Center.

MPI Correctness Checking with the Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector [PDF]
File Name: lcihpcccorrectness.pdf
Size: 244,686 bytes
Date: June 2007

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