Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* Installation Guide
TensorFlow* is a widely-used machine learning framework in the deep learning arena, demanding efficient utilization of computational resources. In order to take full advantage of Intel® architecture and to extract maximum performance, the TensorFlow framework has been optimized using oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) primitives, a popular performance library for deep learning applications. For more information on the optimizations as well as performance data, see this blog post TensorFlow* Optimizations on Modern Intel® Architecture.
Anaconda* has now made it convenient for the AI community to enable high-performance-computing in TensorFlow. Starting from TensorFlow v1.9, Anaconda has and will continue to build TensorFlow using oneDNN primitives to deliver maximum performance in your CPU.
This install guide features several methods to obtain Intel Optimized TensorFlow including off-the-shelf packages or building one from source that are conveniently categorized into Binaries, Docker Images, Build from Source.
For more details of those releases, users could check Release Notes of Intel Optimized TensorFlow.
Now, Intel Optimization for Tensorflow is also available as part of AI Tools. Download and Install to get separate conda environments optimized with Intel's latest AI accelerations. Code samples to help get started with are available here.
The oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) optimizations are also now available in the official x86-64 TensorFlow after v2.5. The feature is off by default before v2.9, users can enable those CPU optimizations by setting the the environment variable TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=1 for the official x86-64 TensorFlow. Since TensorFlow v2.9, the oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) optimizations are enabled by default. There is a comparison table between those two releases in the additional information session.
Supported OS
For Linux*:
It supports most Linux distributions: like Ubuntu*, Red Hat Enterprise Linux*, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server*, Fedora*, CentOS*, Debian*, Amazon Linux 2*, WSL 2, Rocky Linux*, etc.
For Windows*:
It supports Windows Server 2016*, Windows Server 2019*, Windows 10*, Windows 11*.
NOTE: We recommend to use latest release of OS distributions to get better performance. It would show better performance in latest release than olders.
Supported Installation Options
NOTE : Users can start with pip wheel installation from Intel Channel if no preference.
Catagory | Details | Version |
Anaconda | Linux: Main Channel | v2.12.0 |
Linux: Intel Channel | v2.13.0 | |
Windows: Main Channel | v2.10.0 | |
Windows: Intel Channel | v2.8.0 | |
MacOS: Main Channel | v2.12.0 | |
PIP Wheels | Linux | v2.14.0 |
Windows | v2.15.0 | |
Docker Containers | Linux: Intel containers | v2.14.0 |
Linux: Google DL containers | v2.13.0 | |
Build from source | Linux | NA |
Build from source | Windows | NA |
Installation Options
1. Binaries
Get Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* Pre-Built Images
Available for Linux*, Windows*, MacOS*
OS | TensorFlow* version |
Linux* | 2.12.0 |
Windows* | 2.10.0 |
MacOS* | 2.12.0 |
Installation instructions:
If you don't have conda package manager, download and install Anaconda
Linux, MacOS, Windows (after 2.5.0)
Open Anaconda prompt and use the following instruction
conda install tensorflow
In case your anaconda channel is not the highest priority channel by default(or you are not sure), use the following command to make sure you get the right TensorFlow with Intel optimizations
conda install tensorflow -c anaconda
Windows (2.5.0 and earlier)
Open Anaconda prompt and use the following instruction
conda install tensorflow-mkl
conda install tensorflow-mkl -c anaconda
Besides the install method described above, Intel Optimization for TensorFlow is distributed as wheels, docker images and conda package on Intel channel. Follow one of the installation procedures to get Intel-optimized TensorFlow.
Note: All binaries distributed by Intel were built against the TensorFlow version tags in a centOS container with gcc 4.8.5 and glibc 2.17 with the following compiler flags (shown below as passed to bazel*)
\--cxxopt=-D\_GLIBCXX\_USE\_CXX11\_ABI=0 --copt=-march=corei7-avx --copt=-mtune=core-avx-i --copt=-O3 --copt=-Wformat --copt=-Wformat-security --copt=-fstack-protector --copt=-fPIC --copt=-fpic --linkopt=-znoexecstack --linkopt=-zrelro --linkopt=-znow --linkopt=-fstack-protector
Note: please use the following instructions if you install TensorFlow* v2.8 for missing python-flatbuffers module in TensorFlow* v2.8.
Linux, MacOS, Windows (after 2.5.0)
conda install tensorflow python-flatbuffers
Windows (2.5.0 and earlier)
conda install tensorflow-mkl python-flatbuffers
Available for Linux*, Windows*
OS | TensorFlow* version | Python Version |
Linux* | 2.13.0 | 3.9 |
Windows* | 2.8.0 | 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 |
Installation instructions:
Open Anaconda prompt and use the following instruction.
After 2.9 :
conda install intel-tensorflow -c
2.9 and ealier :
conda install tensorflow -c
Note: please use the following instructions if you install TensorFlow* v2.8 for missing python-flatbuffers module in TensorFlow* v2.8.
conda install tensorflow python-flatbuffers -c
Available for Linux*
TensorFlow* version: 2.14.0
Installation instructions:
There are multiple options provided to download Intel® AI Tools, including Conda, PIP and containers.
All available download and installation guides can be found here
Run the below instruction to install the wheel into an existing Python* installation.
Notes: Starting from 2.14.0, Python versions supported are changed to 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
For Linux* :
pip install intel-tensorflow==2.14.0 # or earlier
For Windows* (starting from TensorFlow 2.10.0) :
pip install tensorflow-intel==2.15.0 # or later
If your machine has AVX512 instruction set supported please use the below packages for better performance.
pip install intel-tensorflow-avx512==2.14.0 # or earlier, linux only
Note: For TensorFlow versions 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 with pip > 20.0, if you experience invalid wheel error, try to downgrade the pip version to < 20.0
For e.g
python -m pip install --force-reinstall pip==19.0
Note: If your machine has AVX-512 instruction set supported, please download and install the wheel file with AVX-512 as minimum required instruction set from the table above, otherwise download and install the wheel without AVX-512. All Intel TensorFlow binaries are optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN), which will use the AVX2 or AVX512F FMA etc CPU instructions automatically in performance-critical operations based on the supported Instruction sets on your machine for both Windows and Linux OS.
Note: If you ran into the following Warning on ISA above AVX2, please download and install the wheel file with AVX-512 as minimum required instruction set from the table above.
I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations: AVX2 AVX512F FMA To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
Note: If you run a release with AVX-512 as minimum required instruction set on a machine without AVX-512 instruction set support, you will run into "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" error.
Note than for 1.14.0 install we have fixed a few vulnerabilities and the corrected versions can be installed using the below commands. We identified new CVE issues from curl and GCP support in the previous pypi package release, so we had to introduce a new set of fixed packages in PyPI
Available for Linux* here
Available for Linux*
TensorFlow version: 2.15.0
Installation instructions:
Run the below instruction to install the wheel into an existing Python* installation. Python versions supported are 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
pip install tensorflow==2.15.0
The oneDNN CPU optimizations are enabled by default.
Please check [#Additional Info](#Additional Info) for differences between Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* and official TensorFlow*.
2. Docker Images
Get Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* Docker Images
Starting version 1.14, Google released DL containers for TensorFlow on CPU optimized with oneDNN by default. The TensorFlow v1.x CPU container names are in the format "tf-cpu.", TensorFlow v2.x CPU container names are in the format "tf2-cpu." and support Python3. Below are sample commands to download the docker image locally and launch the container for TensorFlow 1.15 or TensorFlow 2.13. Please use one of the following commands at one time.
# TensorFlow 1.15
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /home:/home
# TensorFlow 2.13
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /home:/home
This command will start the TensorFlow 1.15 or TensorFlow 2.13 with oneDNN enabled in detached mode, bind the running Jupyter server to port 8080 on the local machine, and mount local /home directory to /home in the container. The running JupyterLab instance can be accessed at localhost:8080.
To launch an interactive bash instance of the docker container, run one of the below commands.
# TensorFlow 1.15
docker run -v /home:/home -it bash
# TensorFlow 2.13
docker run -v /home:/home -it bash
Available Container Configurations
You can find all supported docker tags/configurations here.
Tensorflow Version: 2.14.0
These docker images are all published at in intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow and intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow-avx512 namespaces and can be pulled with the following command:
# intel-optimized-tensorflow
docker pull intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow
# intel-optimized-tensorflow-avx512
docker pull intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow-avx512:latest
For example, to run the data science container directly, simply
# intel-optimized-tensorflow
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow
# intel-optimized-tensorflow-avx512
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow-avx512:latest
And then go to your browser on http://localhost:8888/
For those who want to navigate through the browser, follow the links:
- For AVX as mimimum required instruction set:
- For AVX-512 as mimimum required instruction set:
Available Container Configurations
You can find all supported docker tags/configurations for intel-optimized-tensorflow and intel-optimized-tensorflow-avx512.
To get the latest Release Notes on Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow*, please refer this article.
More containers for Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* can be found at the Intel® oneContainer Portal.
3. Build from Source
Build TensorFlow from Source with Intel oneAPI oneDNN library
Building TensorFlow from source is not recommended. However, if instructions provided above do not work due to unsupported ISA, you can always build from source.
Building TensorFlow from source code requires Bazel installation, refer to the instructions here, Installing Bazel.
Installation instructions:
Ensure numpy, keras-applications, keras-preprocessing, pip, six, wheel, mock packages are installed in the Python environment where TensorFlow is being built and installed.
Clone the TensorFlow source code and checkout a branch of your preference
git clone
git checkout r2.15
Run "./configure" from the TensorFlow source directory
Execute the following commands to create a pip package that can be used to install the optimized TensorFlow build.
PATH can be changed to point to a specific version of GCC compiler:
export PATH=/PATH//bin:$PATH
LD_LIBRARY_PATH can also be to new:
Set the compiler flags support by the GCC on your machine to build TensorFlow with oneDNN.
bazel build --config=mkl -c opt --copt=-march=native //tensorflow/tools/pip\_package:build\_pip\_package
If you would like to build the binary against certain hardware, ensure appropriate "march" and "mtune" flags are set. Refer the gcc online docs or gcc x86-options to know the flags supported by your GCC version.
bazel build --config=mkl --cxxopt=-D\_GLIBCXX\_USE\_CXX11\_ABI=0 --copt=-march=sandybridge --copt=-mtune=ivybridge --copt=-O3 //tensorflow/tools/pip\_package:build\_pip\_package
Alternatively, if you would like to build the binary against certain instruction sets, set appropriate "Instruction sets" flags:
bazel build --config=mkl -c opt --copt=-mavx --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --copt=-mavx512f --copt=-mavx512pf --copt=-mavx512cd --copt=-mavx512er //tensorflow/tools/pip\_package:build\_pip\_package
Flags set above will add AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 instructions which will result in "illegal instruction" errors when you use older CPUs. If you want to build on older CPUs, set the instruction flags accordingly.
Users could enable additional oneDNN features by passing a "--copt=-Dxxx" build option. For example, enable ITT_TASKS feature from oneDNN by using below build instruction. User could refer to oneDNN build options for more details.
bazel build --config=mkl -c opt --copt=-march=native --copt=-DDNNL\_ENABLE\_ITT\_TASKS=True //tensorflow/tools/pip\_package:build\_pip\_package
Install the optimized TensorFlow wheel
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip\_package/build\_pip\_package ~/path\_to\_save\_wheel
pip install --upgrade --user ~/path\_to\_save\_wheel/
* Prior to TensorFlow 2.3
Install the below Visual C++ 2015 build tools from
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3
- Microsoft Build Tools 2015 Update 3
- Refer to Linux Section and follow Steps 1 through 3
- To build TensorFlow with oneDNN support, we need two additional steps.
- Link.exe on Visual Studio 2015 causes the linker issue when /WHOLEARCHIVE switch is used. To overcome this issue, install the hotfix to your Visual C++ compiler available at
- Add a PATH environment variable to include MKL runtime lib location that will be created during the build process. The base download location can be specified in the bazel build command by using the --output_base option, and the oneDNN libraries will then be downloaded into a directory relative to that base
set PATH=%PATH%;output\_dir\\external\\mkl\_windows\\lib
3. Bazel build with the with "mkl" flag and the "output_dir" to use the right mkl libs
bazel --output\_base=output\_dir build --config=mkl --config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pip\_package:build\_pip\_package
4. Install the optimized TensorFlow wheel
bazel-bin\\tensorflow\\tools\\pip\_package\\build\_pip\_package C:\\temp\\path\_to\_save\_wheel
pip install C:\\temp\\path\_to\_save\_wheel\\
* TensorFlow 2.3 and newer:
Please follow the Setup for Windows to prepare the build environment.
Set the following environment variables:
BAZEL\_SH: C:\\msys64/usr\\bin\\bash.exe
BAZEL\_VS: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio
BAZEL\_VC: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\VC
Note: For compile time reduction, please set:
set TF\_VC\_VERSION=16.6
- More details can be found here.
Add to the PATH environment variable to include
python path, e.g. C:\Program Files\Python-version # Python38
oneDNN runtime lib location that will be created during the build process, e.g. D:\output_dir\external\mkl\windows\lib
the Bazel path, e.g. C:\Program Files\Bazel-version # Bazel-3.7.2
MSYS2 path, e.g. C:\msys64;C:\msys64/usr\bin
Git path, e.g. C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Git/usr\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\\Program Files\\Python38;D:\\output\_dir\\external\\mkl\_windows\\lib;C:\\Program Files\\Bazel-3.7.2;C:\\msys64;C:\\msys64/usr\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd;C:\\Program Files\\Git/usr\\bin
Download the TensorFlow source code, checkout the release branch, and configure the build:
git clone
cd tensorflow
git checkout _branch-name_ # r2.6, r2.7, etc.
python ./
Set the oneDNN output directory location outside TensorFlow home directory to avoid infinite symlink expansion error. Then add the path to the oneDNN output directory to the system PATH:
set OneDNN\_DIR=\\one\_dnn\_dir
Build TensorFlow from source with oneDNN. Navigate to the TensorFlow root directory tensorflow and run the following bazel command to build TensorFlow oneDNN from Source:
bazel --output\_base=%OneDNN\_DIR% build --announce\_rc --config=opt --config=mkl --action\_env=PATH="" --define=no\_tensorflow\_py\_deps=true tensorflow/tools/pip\_package:build\_pip\_package
Note: Based on bazel issue #7026 we set --action_env=PATH=. Open cmd.exe, run echo %PATH% and copy the output to the value of --action_env=PATH=. If found, please use single quotes with folder names of white spaces.
Additional Information
Once Intel-optimized TensorFlow is installed, running the below command must print "True" if oneDNN optimizations are present.
import tensorflow as tf import os def get\_mkl\_enabled\_flag(): mkl\_enabled = False major\_version = int(tf.\_\_version\_\_.split(".")\[0\]) minor\_version = int(tf.\_\_version\_\_.split(".")\[1\]) if major\_version >= 2: if minor\_version < 5: from tensorflow.python import \_pywrap\_util\_port elif minor\_version >= 9: from tensorflow.python.util import \_pywrap\_util\_port onednn\_enabled = int(os.environ.get('TF\_ENABLE\_ONEDNN\_OPTS', '1')) else: from tensorflow.python.util import \_pywrap\_util\_port onednn\_enabled = int(os.environ.get('TF\_ENABLE\_ONEDNN\_OPTS', '0')) mkl\_enabled = \_pywrap\_util\_port.IsMklEnabled() or (onednn\_enabled == 1) else: mkl\_enabled = tf.pywrap\_tensorflow.IsMklEnabled() return mkl\_enabled print ("We are using Tensorflow version", tf.\_\_version\_\_) print("MKL enabled :", get\_mkl\_enabled\_flag())
For a deeper analysis of what oneDNN calls are being made under the hood, we have enabled a flag "ONEDNN_VERBOSE" to catpure a log. Set the environment variable ONEDNN_VERBOSE=1 and run the Tensorflow script. You should see an output similar to below printed on the console. This will ensure that the workload not only has MKL enabled but utlizes oneDNN calls underneath.
Here is how to intepret the the log
Tensorflow optimizations are agnostic to the type of hardware, ISA supported, dtype, ops used in the workload, this data is used as a starting point by the Tensorflow optimization engineers to understand the perframance impact on your workload and help optimize further
- For Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* for 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, please install the version after 2.12.0 to get good performance.
$ pip install intel-tensorflow==2.12.0 # or 2.13.0, etc.
- Intel-optimized TensorFlow enables oneDNN calls by default. For v2.4 and previous version, If at any point you wish to disable Intel MKL primitive calls, this can be disabled by setting TF_DISABLE_MKL flag to 1 before running your TensorFlow script.
export TF\_DISABLE\_MKL=1
However, note that this flag will only disable oneDNN calls, but not MKL-ML calls.
Although oneDNN is responsible for most optimizations, certain ops are optimized by MKL-ML library, including matmul, transpose, etc. Disabling MKL-ML calls are not supported by TF_DISABLE_MKL flag at present and Intel is working with Google to add this functionality
3. CPU affinity settings in Anaconda's TensorFlow: If oneDNN enabled TensorFlow is installed from the anaconda channel (not Intel channel), the "import tensorflow" command sets the KMP_BLOCKTIME and OMP_PROC_BIND environment variables if not already set. However, these variables may have effects on other libraries such as Numpy/Scipy which use OpenMP or oneDNN. Alternatively, you can either set preferred values or unset them after importing TensorFlow. More details available in the TensorFlow GitHub issue
import tensorflow # this sets KMP\_BLOCKTIME and OMP\_PROC\_BIND import os # delete the existing values del os.environ\['OMP\_PROC\_BIND'\] del os.environ\['KMP\_BLOCKTIME'\]
Although official TensorFlow has oneDNN optimizations by default, there are still some major differences between Intel Optimization for Tensorflow and official TensorFlow
Here is a comparison table For TensorFlow v2.9 and later.
Intel Optimization for Tensorflow | official TensorFlow (Running on Intel CPUs) | |
oneDNN optimiziations | Enabled by default | Enabled by default |
OpenMP Optimizations | Enabled by default | N/A. use eigen thread pool instead |
Layout Format | TensorFlow native layout format by default. No oneDNN blocked format support. | TensorFlow native layout format by default. No oneDNN blocked format support. |
int8 support from oneDNN | Enabled by default | Enabled by default |
Here is a comparison table For TensorFlow v2.8.
Intel Optimization for Tensorflow | official TensorFlow (Running on Intel CPUs) | |
oneDNN optimiziations | Enabled by default | Enable by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNN_OPTS=1 at runtime |
OpenMP Optimizations | Enabled by default | N/A. use eigen thread pool instead |
Layout Format | TensorFlow native layout format by default. No oneDNN blocked format support. | TensorFlow native layout format by default. No oneDNN blocked format support. |
int8 support from oneDNN | Enabled by default | Enable by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNN_OPTS=1 at runtime |
Here is a comparison table For TensorFlow v2.6 and v2.7.
Intel Optimization for Tensorflow | official TensorFlow (Running on Intel CPUs) | |
oneDNN optimiziations | Enabled by default | Enable by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNN_OPTS=1 at runtime |
OpenMP Optimizations | Enabled by default | N/A. use eigen thread pool instead |
Layout Format | TensorFlow native layout format by default. Enable oneDNN blocked format by setting environment variable TFENABLEMKLNATIVEFORMAT=0 | TensorFlow native layout format by default. Enable oneDNN blocked format by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNNOPTS=1 and TFENABLEMKLNATIVE_FORMAT=0 |
int8 support from oneDNN | Enabled by default | Enable by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNN_OPTS=1 at runtime |
Here is a comparison table for TensorFlow v2.5.
Intel Optimization for Tensorflow | official TensorFlow (Running on Intel CPUs) | |
oneDNN optimiziations | Enabled by default | Enable by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNN_OPTS=1 at runtime |
OpenMP Optimizations | Enabled by default | N/A. use eigen thread pool instead |
Layout Format | TensorFlow native layout format by default. Enable oneDNN blocked format by setting environment variable TFENABLEMKLNATIVEFORMAT=0 | TensorFlow native layout format by default. Enable oneDNN blocked format by setting environment variable TFENABLEONEDNNOPTS=1 and TFENABLEMKLNATIVE_FORMAT=0 |
int8 support from oneDNN | Enabled by setting the env-variable TFENABLEMKLNATIVEFORMAT=0 | Not supported |
Intel has released Intel® Extension for TensorFlow to support optimizations on Intel dGPU ( currently for Flex series) and CPU.
Please Note that the ITEX CPU release at this moment is an experimental feature, and users are strongly encouraged to continue using Intel optimizations for TensorFlow as directed in this install guide
More info on ITEX can be accessed from these resources for Intel dGPUs( Flex series)
Category | Links |
Official Doc | Get Started Document |
Blog | Accelerating TensorFlow on Intel Data Center GPU Flex Series |
Blog | Meet the Innovation of Intel AI Software: ITEX |
Optimizations for 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors start from TensorFlow* 2.12.
Official x86-64 TensorFlow has the 4th Gen Xeon scalable processors optimizations but the Intel Optimization for TensorFlow has most up-to-date optimizations.
Please follow below instructions to install the release of Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow* later than 2.12.0.
pip install intel-tensorflow==2.12.0 # or 2.13.0 etc.
If you have further questions or need support on your workload optimization, Please submit your queries at the TensorFlow GitHub issues with the label "comp:mkl" or the Intel AI Frameworks forum.