Supported Intel AMT Features > Certificate Management > Using the Certificate Management API
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Using the Certificate Management API

The HLAPI implements the Certificate Management feature in the Certificate Management API.

The available methods are described in the ICertificateManagement interface.


These C# examples show how to use the Certificate Management API (after connecting to the Intel AMT device). A certificate path will only work when a certificate exists in the relevant path.

Add a certificate to the certificate store

X509Certificate2 certificate = new

X509Certificate2(@"..\..\CertificateName.p12",   "q",




Add a chain to the certificate store

// Add a chain of trusted certificates:

// 1. Create X509Chain object.

// 2. Set to the X509Chain object an additional certificates store from which the chain will be built.

// 3. Build certificates chain.

// 4. Add the chain elements to the certificate store.


X509Certificate2 rootCertificate = new


X509Certificate2 leafCertificate = new

X509Certificate2(@"..\..\LeafCert.p12", "q", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);

X509Chain trustedChain = new X509Chain();



trustedChain.ChainPolicy.VerificationFlags =




note-icon Note:

When adding a certificate chain, if there is not enough space for all the certififcates in the added chain, no certificate will be added.


Retrieve all certificates

List<X509Certificate2> certificates =


  foreach (X509Certificate2 certificate in certificates)


Console.WriteLine("Name : {0}.  Issuer : {1}.  Subject : {2}.  Has

Private Key : {3}",certificate.FriendlyName ,certificate.Issuer,

certificate.Subject, certificate.HasPrivateKey);



Retrieve all TrustedRootCertificates

List<X509Certificate2> certificates =


  foreach (X509Certificate2 certificate in certificates)


Console.WriteLine("Name : {0}.  Issuer & Subject : {1}.  Has Private Key

: {2}", certificate.FriendlyName, certificate.Issuer, certificate.HasPrivateKey);



Retrieve all NonTrustedRootCertificates

List<X509Certificate2> certificates =


  foreach (X509Certificate2 certificate in certificates)


Console.WriteLine("Name : {0}.  Issuer : {1}.  Subject : {2}.  Has

Private Key : {3}", certificate.FriendlyName, certificate.Issuer,

certificate.Subject, certificate.HasPrivateKey);



Retrieve a chain of certificates from the certificate store

X509Certificate2 certificate = new

X509Certificate2(@"..\..\CertificateName.p12", "q",


X509Chain chain = amt.Config.CertificateManagement.GetChain(certificate);


note-icon Note:

Enter an existing certificate with a private key to build a chain with the appropriate subCA certificates from the certificate store.


Remove a certificate from the certificate store

X509Certificate2 certificate = new

X509Certificate2(@"..\..\CertificateName.p12", "q",




Remove all certificates from the certificate store

// Delete all certificates including their private keys.



Remove all trustedRootCertificates from the certificate store



Remove all nonTrustedRootCertificates from the certificate store

// DeletenonTrustedRootsCertificates without deleting their private keys.





note-icon Note:

     In order to manage the certificate store without any intervention of other Intel AMT features,you  must set the  amt.Config.CertificateManagement.ManageCertificateManually property to be true. If the property’s value is false, a certificate may be removed when a linked profile/feature is deleted.

     When adding a certificate chain, if there is not enough space for all the certififcates in the added chain, no certificate will be added.

     When deleting a specified certificate with a X509Certificate property, the certificate and its private keys will be deleted even though the X509Certificate property contained only the certificate without the certificate’s private key.

See Also:

   Connecting to an Intel AMT Device


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