Disable the Alarm Clock (by resetting both NextAlarm time and Interval)

Namespace:  Intel.Manageability.AlarmClock
Assembly:  HLAPI (in HLAPI.dll)


[ObsoleteAttribute("AlarmClock.DisableAll has been deprecated.  Please use AlarmClock.DeleteAlarm to delete one alarm, or AlarmClock.DeleteAllAlarms to delete all alarms (multiple alarms supported in AMT 8.0 generation and above).", 
void DisableAll()
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<ObsoleteAttribute("AlarmClock.DisableAll has been deprecated.  Please use AlarmClock.DeleteAlarm to delete one alarm, or AlarmClock.DeleteAllAlarms to delete all alarms (multiple alarms supported in AMT 8.0 generation and above).",  _
	False)> _
Sub DisableAll

See Also