Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 12/16/2022

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Specifies the byte alignment for a loop


#pragma code_align(n)



Optional. A positive integer initialization expression indicating the number of bytes for the minimum alignment boundary. Its value must be a power of 2, between 1 and 4096, such as 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on.

If you specify 1 for n, no alignment is performed. If you do not specify n, the default alignment is 16 bytes.


This pragma must precede the loop to be aligned.

If the code is compiled with the Qalign-loops:m option, and a code_align(n) pragma precedes a loop, the loop is aligned on a max (m, n) byte boundary. If a procedure has the code_align(k) attribute and a code_align(n) pragma precedes a loop, then both the procedure and the loop are aligned on a max (k, n) byte boundary.