Class CIM_SoftwareIdentity

Used in features: General Info , Security Administration
Compatible with the following Intel AMT Releases: 3.0, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 11.0
   extended by CIM_ManagedSystemElement
      extended by CIM_LogicalElement
         extended by CIM_SoftwareIdentity

class CIM_SoftwareIdentity
extends CIM_LogicalElement

General Information:
SoftwareIdentity provides descriptive information about a software component for asset tracking and/or installation dependency management. When the IsEntity property has the value TRUE, the instance of SoftwareIdentity represents an individually identifiable entity similar to Physical Element. SoftwareIdentity does NOT indicate whether the software is installed, executing, etc. This extra information may be provided through specialized associations to Software Identity. For instance, both InstalledSoftwareIdentity and ElementSoftwareIdentity may be used to indicate that the software identified by this class is installed. SoftwareIdentity is used when managing the software components of a ManagedElement that is the management focus. Since software may be acquired, SoftwareIdentity can be associated with a Product using the ProductSoftwareComponent relationship. The Application Model manages the deployment and installation of software via the classes, SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements. SoftwareFeature and SoftwareElement are used when the software component is the management focus. The deployment/installation concepts are related to the asset/identity one. In fact, a SoftwareIdentity may correspond to a Product, or to one or more SoftwareFeatures or SoftwareElements - depending on the granularity of these classes and the deployment model. The correspondence of Software Identity to Product, SoftwareFeature or SoftwareElement is indicated using the ConcreteIdentity association. Note that there may not be sufficient detail or instrumentation to instantiate ConcreteIdentity. And, if the association is instantiated, some duplication of information may result. For example, the Vendor described in the instances of Product and SoftwareIdentity MAY be the same. However, this is not necessarily true, and it is why vendor and similar information are duplicated in this class.
Note that ConcreteIdentity can also be used to describe the relationship of the software to any LogicalFiles that result from installing it. As above, there may not be sufficient detail or instrumentation to instantiate this association.

Product Specific Usage:
Instances of this class are used to represent version information in Intel(r) AMT.

ClassConstraint={inv:self.IsLargeBuildNumber=true implies self.BuildNumber = null and self.LargeBuildNumber <> null, inv:self.IsLargeBuildNumber=false implies self.LargeBuildNumber=null}

Supported Fields Summary
 string InstanceID Key
Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class . . .
 string VersionString
A string representing the complete software version information - for example, '12.1(3)T' . . .
 boolean IsEntity
The IsEntity property is used to indicate whether the SoftwareIdentity corresponds to a discrete copy of the software component or is being used to convey descriptive and identifying information about software that is not present in the management domain.A value of TRUE shall indicate that the SoftwareIdentity instance corresponds to a discrete copy of the software component . . .

Methods Summary
Gets the representation of the instance
  Pull(EnumerationContext, MaxElements)
Pulls instances of this class, following an Enumerate operation
Enumerates the instances of this class
Releases an enumeration context

Field Detail

InstanceID Key

public string InstanceID
General Information:
Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the following 'preferred' algorithm:
Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon ':', and where <OrgID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority (This is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness <OrgID> MUST NOT contain a colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID MUST appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>.
<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and SHOULD not be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If the above 'preferred' algorithm is not used, the defining entity MUST assure that the resultant InstanceID is not re-used across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for this instance's NameSpace.
For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' algorithm MUST be used with the <OrgID> set to 'CIM'.

Product Specific Usage:
Possible values:
- "Flash"
- "Netstack"
- "AMTApps"
- "AMT"
- "Sku"
- "VendorID"
- "Build Number"
- "Recovery Version"
- "Recovery Build Num"
- "Legacy Mode"
- "AMT FW Core Version"



public string VersionString
General Information:
A string representing the complete software version information - for example, '12.1(3)T'. This string and the numeric major/minor/revision/build properties are complementary. Since vastly different representations and semantics exist for versions, it is not assumed that one representation is sufficient to permit a client to perform computations (i.e., the values are numeric) and a user to recognize the software's version (i.e., the values are understandable and readable). Hence, both numeric and string representations of version are provided.

Product Specific Usage:
Possible values for various InstanceIDs:

- "Flash": XX.YY.ZZZZ where X, Y, Z are decimal digits.

- "Netstack": XX.YY.ZZZZ where X, Y, Z are decimal digits.

- "AMTApps": XX.YY.ZZZZ where X, Y, Z are decimal digits.

- "AMT": XX.YY.ZZZZ where X, Y, Z are decimal digits.

- "Sku": X where X is a value of the following bitmap:
Bit 0: Reserved
Bit 1: Intel(r) Quiet System Technology (From Release 7.0: Reserved)
Bit 2: ASF (From Release 6.0: Reserved)
Bit 3: Intel(r) Active Management Technology
Bit 4: Intel(r) Standard Manageability
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6..7: Reserved
Bit 8: Intel(r) Remote PC Assist Technology
Bit 9..12: Reserved
Bit 13: Intel(r) Anti-Theft Technology - PC Protection
Bit 14: Corporate (From Release 6.0: KVM supported)
Bit 15: Level III Manageability Upgrade (From Release 6.0: Local Wakeup Timer supported)
Bit 16: Intel(r) Small Business Technology (SBT)
Bit 17..31: Reserved

(Example - 0x0C = Intel(r) Active Management Technology + ASF).

- "VendorID": Identifier of Vendor ID (for example: "8086" = Intel Corp.)

- "Build Number": XXXX where X is a decimal digit, describes the build number of the current build.

- "Recovery Version": XX.YY.ZZZZ where X, Y, Z are decimal digits, describes the version of the recovery partition. The reported version might also be "unknown" if recovery partition update fails.

- "Recovery Build Num": XXXX where X is a decimal digit, describes the build number of the recovery partition. The reported number might also be "unknown" if recovery partition update fails.

- "Legacy Mode": "True" or "False", indicates whether Intel AMT is operating in Intel AMT Release 1.0 Legacy mode.

- "AMT FW Core Version": XX.YY.ZZZZ where X, Y, Z are decimal digits.



public boolean IsEntity
General Information:
The IsEntity property is used to indicate whether the SoftwareIdentity corresponds to a discrete copy of the software component or is being used to convey descriptive and identifying information about software that is not present in the management domain.A value of TRUE shall indicate that the SoftwareIdentity instance corresponds to a discrete copy of the software component. A value of FALSE shall indicate that the SoftwareIdentity instance does not correspond to a discrete copy of the Software.

Method Detail


public  Get([OUT]CIM_SoftwareIdentity Instance)
Permission Information:
This method is accessible from any realm

General Information:
Gets the representation of the instance


public  Pull([IN]String EnumerationContext, [IN]String MaxElements)
Permission Information:
All users permitted to use method, only instances to whom the user has permissions will be returned

General Information:
Pulls instances of this class, following an Enumerate operation


public  Enumerate()
Permission Information:
All users permitted to use method

General Information:
Enumerates the instances of this class


public  Release([IN]String EnumerationContext)
Permission Information:
All users permitted to use method

General Information:
Releases an enumeration context

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