Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 12/16/2022

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Error handling function called by BLAS, LAPACK, Vector Math, and Vector Statistics functions.


void xerbla( const char * srname, const int* info, const int len );

Include Files
  • mkl.h
Input Parameters





const char*

The name of the routine that called xerbla


const int*

The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list of the calling function or an error code


const int

Length of the source string


The xerbla function is an error handler for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library BLAS, LAPACK, Vector Math, and Vector Statistics functions. These functions call xerbla if an issue is encountered on entry or during the function execution.

xerbla operates as follows:

  1. Prints a message that depends on the value of the info parameter as explained in the following table.


    A specific message can differ from the listed messages in numeric values and/or function names.

  2. Returns to the calling application.

Error Messages Printed by xerbla

Value of info

Error Message


Intel MKL ERROR: Incompatible optional parameters on entry to DGEMM.

1000 or 1089

Intel MKL INTERNAL ERROR: Insufficient workspace available in function CGELSD.

< 0

Intel MKL INTERNAL ERROR: Condition 1 detected in function DLASD8.


The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list of the calling function.

Note that xerbla is an internal function. You can change or disable printing of an error message by providing your own xerbla function. The following examples illustrate usage of xerbla.

void xerbla(char* srname, int* info, int len){
// srname - name of the function that called xerbla
// info - position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list
// len - length of the name in bytes
printf("\nXERBLA is called :%s: %d\n",srname,*info);

See Also