Get Started with Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector

ID 758510
Date 3/31/2023

Get Started with Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector

Use this Get Started document and a pre-collected trace file to walk through a basic MPI performance analysis with Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector.

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector helps explore message passing interface (MPI) usage efficiency and identify communication hotspots, synchronization bottlenecks, and load balancing. For more information about the product, see Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector product page.


Intel® VTune™ Profiler's Application Performance Snapshot provides overall performance characteristics of an MPI enabled application using a simple interface with faster time to results. VTune Profiler helps identify imbalances and communication issues on a single node. As a result, Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector will no longer be included in the Intel® HPC Toolkit. It continues to be downloadable as a standalone package and it will be discontinued in 2025 or later. Customers who have- purchased Intel® Priority Support will continue to receive support. Please see Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector deprecation article for more information.

Download Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector


Before running Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, make sure you have installed the latest Intel MPI Library and Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler or Intel Fortran Compiler.

This sets the required environment variables for compilers, the Intel MPI Library, and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, and you are ready to trace your applications.

For more information, see: Intel HPC Toolkit System Requirements.