Class IPS_IPv6PortSettings

Used in features: Network Administration , General Info
Compatible with the following Intel AMT Releases: 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 11.0
   extended by CIM_SettingData
      extended by IPS_IPv6PortSettings

class IPS_IPv6PortSettings
extends CIM_SettingData

General Information:
Intel(R) AMT IPv6 settings.


Supported Fields Summary
 string ElementName
The user-friendly name for this instance of SettingData . . .
 string InstanceID Key
Intel(R) IPS IPv6 Settings , where is incremented for every existing instance . . .
 uint32 InterfaceIDType
Interface ID Type. "Randomized": the auto configured address will be based on random interface ID (RFC: 3041). "Intel MAC based": the auto configured address will be based on an interface ID generated by appending 0x8086 to the interface MAC address. "Manual": the auto configured address will be based on user set interface ID . . .
 string[] ManualInterfaceID
On write, this setting will be stored, however used only when InterfaceIDType is manual . . .
 string IPv6Address
A static IPv6 address . . .
 string PrimaryDNS
Used to describe a static Primary DNS Address (IPv6). Used only if the DNS IPv6 addresses were not configured by DHCPv6. Relevant only for wired interface.
 string SecondaryDNS
Used to describe a static Secondary DNS Address (IPv6). Used only if the DNS IPv6 addresses were not configured by DHCPv6. Relevant only for wired interface.
 string DefaultRouter
Used to describe the Default router Address (IPv6). Used only if default router was not auto-configured via router advertisements. Relevant only for wired interface.
 string[6] CurrentAddressInfo
Contains formatted strings of configured addresses. The format of each string is as follows: %IPv6Addr%,%AddrType%,%AddrState% Possible values for %AddrType%: 0 - Address generated from: fe80::/64 + Interface ID, 1 - Address generated from: [Router advertised prefix] + [Interface ID], 2 - Global IPv6 address obtained from DHCPv6 Server, 3 - IPv6 unicast address configured by the user, 4 - Returned by FW for IPv6 addresses that are not owned by FW (such as IPv6 router address, configuration server address etc.) Possible values for %AddrState%: 0 - DAD is still in process for this address, 1 - Address is valid and may be used for new communication, 2 - Address is deprecated and should not be used for new communication, 3 - Covers both the preferred and deprecated states, 4 - The valid lifetime of the address has expired, 5 - An interface ID collision has been detected for this address when performing DAD, 6 - Returned by FW for IPv6 addresses that are not owned by FW (such as IPv6 router address, configuration server address etc. Note: when setting class properties with PUT, the current address info returned will indicate the IPv6 settings that were valid before the command invocation, as the new settings are not applied until the response is returned to the caller.
 string CurrentPrimaryDNS
Used to describe the currently used primary DNS Address (IPv6).
 string CurrentSecondaryDNS
Used to describe the currently used secondary DNS Address (IPv6).
 string CurrentDefaultRouter
Used to describe the currently used default router Address (IPv6).

Methods Summary
Changes properties of the selected instance
Gets the representation of the instance
  Pull(EnumerationContext, MaxElements)
Pulls instances of this class, following an Enumerate operation
Enumerates the instances of this class
Releases an enumeration context

Field Detail


public string ElementName
General Information:
The user-friendly name for this instance of SettingData. In addition, the user-friendly name can be used as an index property for a search or query. (Note: The name does not have to be unique within a namespace.)


InstanceID Key

public string InstanceID
General Information:
Intel(R) IPS IPv6 Settings <d>, where <d> is incremented for every existing instance. This key property cannot be modified after creation.



public uint32 InterfaceIDType
General Information:
Interface ID Type.
"Randomized": the auto configured address will be based on random interface ID (RFC: 3041).
"Intel MAC based": the auto configured address will be based on an interface ID generated by appending 0x8086 to the interface MAC address.
"Manual": the auto configured address will be based on user set interface ID. Selecting this type requires that ManualInterfaceID is set with a valid value

ValueMap={0, 1, 2, 3..}
Values={Randomized, Intel MAC based, Manual, Reserved}


public string[] ManualInterfaceID
General Information:
On write, this setting will be stored, however used only when InterfaceIDType is manual. On read, this parameter represents the manually set InterfaceID and not the currently configured interface ID unless the InterfaceIDType is set to Manual. The currently configured interface ID is apparent in the interface's link local address FE80::<Interface ID>. On write, this value should be unique among objects of this type. If not, it may result in two network interfaces with the same IP address.



public string IPv6Address
General Information:
A static IPv6 address. Will be configured in parallel to the auto-configured ipv6 addresses.Unset this parameter by passing "::0"
This parameter is relevant for wired interface.



public string PrimaryDNS
General Information:
Used to describe a static Primary DNS Address (IPv6).
Used only if the DNS IPv6 addresses were not configured by DHCPv6.
Relevant only for wired interface.



public string SecondaryDNS
General Information:
Used to describe a static Secondary DNS Address (IPv6).
Used only if the DNS IPv6 addresses were not configured by DHCPv6.
Relevant only for wired interface.



public string DefaultRouter
General Information:
Used to describe the Default router Address (IPv6).
Used only if default router was not auto-configured via router advertisements.
Relevant only for wired interface.



public string[6] CurrentAddressInfo
General Information:
Contains formatted strings of configured addresses.
The format of each string is as follows: %IPv6Addr%,%AddrType%,%AddrState%
Possible values for %AddrType%: 0 - Address generated from: fe80::/64 + Interface ID, 1 - Address generated from: [Router advertised prefix] + [Interface ID], 2 - Global IPv6 address obtained from DHCPv6 Server, 3 - IPv6 unicast address configured by the user, 4 - Returned by FW for IPv6 addresses that are not owned by FW (such as IPv6 router address, configuration server address etc.)
Possible values for %AddrState%: 0 - DAD is still in process for this address, 1 - Address is valid and may be used for new communication, 2 - Address is deprecated and should not be used for new communication, 3 - Covers both the preferred and deprecated states, 4 - The valid lifetime of the address has expired, 5 - An interface ID collision has been detected for this address when performing DAD, 6 - Returned by FW for IPv6 addresses that are not owned by FW (such as IPv6 router address, configuration server address etc.
Note: when setting class properties with PUT, the current address info returned will indicate the IPv6 settings that were valid before the command invocation, as the new settings are not applied until the response is returned to the caller.



public string CurrentPrimaryDNS
General Information:
Used to describe the currently used primary DNS Address (IPv6).



public string CurrentSecondaryDNS
General Information:
Used to describe the currently used secondary DNS Address (IPv6).



public string CurrentDefaultRouter
General Information:
Used to describe the currently used default router Address (IPv6).


Method Detail


public  Put([IN]IPS_IPv6PortSettings Instance)
Permission Information:

General Information:
Changes properties of the selected instance

Product Specific Usage:
The following properties must be included in any representation of IPS_IPv6PortSettings:



public  Get([OUT]IPS_IPv6PortSettings Instance)
Permission Information:

General Information:
Gets the representation of the instance


public  Pull([IN]String EnumerationContext, [IN]String MaxElements)
Permission Information:
All users permitted to use method, only instances to whom the user has permissions will be returned

General Information:
Pulls instances of this class, following an Enumerate operation


public  Enumerate()
Permission Information:
All users permitted to use method

General Information:
Enumerates the instances of this class


public  Release([IN]String EnumerationContext)
Permission Information:
All users permitted to use method

General Information:
Releases an enumeration context

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